Aero Plast

Aero Plast


First aid solutions.

Inspired by their unwavering commitment to healing and comfort, Aero Plast provide first aid solutions and consumables developed with resellers in mind. We meticulously crafted their packaging design, for the overseas market, making sure that each product embodied their brand message of care, trust, and innovation.

Our emphasis in reflecting the company's core values, through a fusion of easily identifiable aesthetics and colour utility, we established packaging that communicates the importance of quality wound care. It also serves as a visual testament to the company's dedication to promoting healing and well-being, one plaster at a time.




Brand design for healthcare consumables
packaging design for healthcare consumables
website design for healthcare consumables
packaging design and branding for healthcare consumables
Brand strategy and packaging design for healthcare consumables
marketing and graphic design for healthcare consumables
packaging design for healthcare consumables

Aero Plast
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