The responsibility of a (good) brand identity designer.

Jamie Bridle / Founder
The responsibility of a (good) brand identity designer.

There are good designers and not-so-good designers. Brand design needs an objective, and if your designer isn’t focused on it, there's every chance your project will be a failure, or at the very least, won't be as successful as it could have been.

The thing we as designers need to remember is, the thing the client walks out of the door with, the thing they are paying us for, is the work.

And it's this responsibility that we don't take lightly. Heres a few reasons why:

1. The success of the client's business depends on the effectiveness of the branding: The client's brand is a crucial aspect of their business, and it can have a significant impact on their success. A brand designer has a responsibility to create branding that accurately reflects the client's business, communicates the right message to their target audience, and helps them to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

2. Branding represents the client's business: A brand represents the client's business to the world. A poorly designed brand can have a negative impact on the perception of the business, while a well-designed brand can help to build a positive image and reputation.

3. The client is trusting the designer with their business: When a client hires a brand designer, they are trusting that designer to create branding that will help their business succeed. The designer has a responsibility to use their skills and expertise to deliver branding that meets the client's needs and expectations.

4. Good design is the foundation of effective branding: Good design is essential for creating effective branding. A brand designer has a responsibility to deliver branding that is visually appealing, memorable, and consistent, and that effectively communicates the client's message to their target audience.

In summary, a brand designer has a responsibility to deliver good focused design to the client because it is essential for the success of the client's business, the brand represents the client's business, the client is trusting the designer with their business, and good design is the foundation of effective branding.

The bottom line is, the thing that the client walks out of the door with, the thing that they are paying us for, is the work.

And so it's our responsibility to make sure it's the best that it can be, right?

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